Lacquer Art Atelier 漆藝研習:拭漆椀筷 Sep 2023
拭漆是甚麼 拭漆 Fuki-urushi在日本漆藝上是指在木器表面塗上生漆,等到生漆充分滲入木料後再拭去多餘的漆料,待乾燥之後進行研磨,接著再重複來上另一層漆。拭漆可使木器更耐用,流露木紋的自然美。 工作坊旨在提供平台讓大家來交流,探索在用家和創作者間,漆藝的可能性,我們在...
The Gallery by SOIL is dedicated to presenting the art of lacquer from Asia.
It is probably the first gallery in Hong Kong which brings together lacquer masters and artists of diverse cultures, blending the traditional with the contemporary to showcase variety in the discipline.
Since 2012, SOIL has devoted most of our efforts and resources to the design and research of this art form.