Shall we dance! Lacquer Art by Wei Nan A solo exhibition 2 - 25.9.2022
Curated and presented by The Gallery by SOIL

Artist Statement
The exhibition showcases my achievements throughout the past seven years of studying lacquer art in Japan. It is also the most comprehensive collection of works I have made since I started my creative journey. Over the past few years in Japan, I have spent most of my time exploring three-dimensional forms with lacquer art. As an introvert, I intend to interact with the outside world and express myself through my creation. It is as if I whisper to my works, unfolding my enthusiasm while creating each of them. This makes a huge contrast from my quiet personality.
My works are not decorative, and most of them are mono in colour. Instead, I focus on expressive shapes. The soft and elastic properties of leather materials and stretchable fabrics allow me to present the mystical world in my heart. I find the aesthetics from our nature in motion through the blooming of flowers, rippling waves by a breeze, and elegant lines of a human body. I want to convey to viewers that every gesture contains strength and vitality. It is as if they are performing various dance styles along a stream of silent notes. I wish to capture, through lacquer art making, the moments of dancing, the motion of blooming, and energy from within myself.

Wei Nan
Wei Nan was born in Beijing, China, in 1994. She obtained her Bachelor's Degree in Art and Design from the Beijing University of Technology in 2016. In between her studies, Wei gained an opportunity for an exchange study at Saga University in Japan, which inspired her interest in lacquer art and woodwork. Subsequently, she decided to study in Japan to broaden her horizons. Wei earned her Master's Degree from the Graduate School of Faculty of Art and Regional Design, Saga University. She is pursuing her Doctoral Degree at the Graduate School of Fine Arts of Kyoto University of Arts.
At a relatively young age, Wei received numerous awards while studying in Japan, including the Cultural Foundation Award at the 67th Japan Saga Prefectural Art Exhibition in 2017, and the Student Award at the 57th Japan Crafts Exhibition in 2018, the Encouragement Award at the 59th Japan Crafts Exhibition in 2020. In addition, her work was selected to exhibit at one of the most prestigious exhibitions, Ishikawa International Urushi Exhibition, in 2020. Most recently her work “Power of Flower” is awarded the Grand Prize of “Art meets Architecture Competition” (AAC 2021) in Japan.
隗楠在1994年出生於中國北京,2016年獲取北京工業大學藝術與設計學士學位,期間她曾前往日本佐賀大學進行學術交流,激發了她對漆與木工藝的興趣。隨後,她決定出國留學擴闊視野並於佐賀大學藝術地域設計研究生院獲取碩士學位,目前在京都市藝術大學美術研究生院攻讀博士學位。 隗楠雖然年輕,但在日本留學期間已獲獎無數,計有2017年第67屆日本佐賀縣立美術展的文化基金會獎、2018年第57屆日本工藝展的學生獎以及2020年第59屆日本工藝展的鼓勵獎。她的作品在2020年入選日本享負盛名的石川國際漆藝展。最近,她的作品《花的力量》更榮獲了“藝術與建築競賽”(AAC 2021)大獎。

Natural lacquer, stretch fabric, metal wire, linen, Japanese paper
H800 x W280 x D250mm

Natural lacquer, stretch fabric, metal wire, linen, Japanese paper
H400 x W470 x D410mm

Natural lacquer, cowhide, Japanese paper
H300 x W350 x D460mm

Natural lacquer, cowhide, linen, Japanese paper
H315 x W280 x D345mm
The Gallery by SOIL
Shop H, G/F Hollywood Building
186 Hollywood Road (Entrance at Upper Station Street)
Sheung Wan, Hong Kong
Opening Hours:
12nn - 6pm, Tuesday-Friday
12nn - 6:30pm, Saturday-Sunday
Off on Monday and public holidays
Enquiry: 2217 9288 / 9559 3908